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You cannot trade with steam user steam app

you cannot trade with steam user steam app

In some cases, scammers will hijack an account and use it to commit scams, fraud or more hijackings. How to Report a Scammer, Hijacker or Phisher. CD Keys that are offered can be for a different game, fake, used or region restricted.

Steam Support

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Dindu Nuffin cs. So just now I traded with my friend, We both have mobile authentication enabled. I was able to receive confirmation on my phone and I confirmed it.

Recently Cancelled An Accepted Trade

you cannot trade with steam user steam app
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Ghost View Profile View Posts. So, I’ve been using the Steam Mobile app for quite sometime now since it came out to be exact. Trading has been rather smooth lately, however today I attempted to do a trade and it claimed there was going to be a Hour hold because I hadn’t used the mobile auth in 7 days or had disabled it neither of which happened and upon inspecting my account all the required settings were just as I had left them. So, what’s the issue?

Trade or Market Hold

Home Discussions Workshop Market You cannot trade with steam user steam app. Change language. Install Steam. Ghost View Profile View Posts.

So, I’ve been using the Steam Mobile app for quite oyu now since it came out to be exact. Trading has been rather smooth lately, however today I attempted to do a trade and it claimed there was going to be a Hour hold ssteam I hadn’t used the mobile auth in 7 days or stteam disabled it neither of yku happened and upon inspecting my account all the required settings were just as I had left.

So, what’s the issue? Unbeknownst to me and clearly not written on the site, I was then unable to trade. After searching around the web a bit, I found that I am not the steaam one having this issue. My question here is, why is this? If they’re pushing eteam us to use their software so much why punish us?

However, I do assume this was unintentional and likely a «side-effect» per se of the auth. If there is anyway around it or if anyone has any insight, I’d be glad to hear! Showing 1 — 12 steak 12 comments. Kater View Profile View Posts. Lolobigsmash View Profile View Posts.

Help. Go into your steam settings and see if the email confirmation is on. Then check to make sure the mobile one is on mobile. Hopefully this helps?

It can’t be that, the guy I was trading userr was able to trade with other people. That, and I checked and the mobile auth was still enabled on my account. Pheace View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by Xannot :. Last edited by Pheace ; 15 Jan, pm. Jerome View Profile View Posts. For example, if another person had been waiting for wwith hours and you suddenly canceled a trade that is on hold, the other party will have to look for another trade, he will have waited for 70 hours and could not look for another trade because the item was on hold.

It would also bother people even if the trade has been on hold for just some hours because they may already be hoping that the trade will go on. The trade process displays how much time the trade will be on hold if any if you are unsure that you can wait; as it requires that both parties had to have enabled the security features for 7 days, you might want find another user who won’t trigger a trade hold. Last edited by Jerome ; 19 Jan, am.

Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 15 Jan, pm. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website.

Steam limits access to certain features as a means of new user protection from scammers, spammers and phishers. Does Steam Trading mean I can sell my used games? If you canceled any of trare accepted trades that are undergoing a trade hold, your account will automatically uswr restricted from any trading for 7 days. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. What do I do if I was scammed? We do this to help protect users who lose access to their email account. To be sure if an item is tradable, please go to your Inventory and select the item and read the item details. Hijackers most commonly steal accounts to gain items or games, and sometimes commit fraud. All trade scams can be avoided. You cannot trade with steam user steam app rights reserved. By limiting the provided data, Steam Support prevents malicious users from learning how to avoid getting caught in the future. Related Articles. I have ideas for other things in Steam that can be traded. What do I do? To help protect seam items, you will be unable to trade or use the Uer Market for 15 days.


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Last edited by Teutep ; 22 Jan, am. It should look something like this: This means that your Mobile Authenticator is correctly activated. It’s because it is now always enabled, now all you have to so is set up mobile authentication and wait seven days to resume instant trading. Problem with Steam? You need to both have a Mobile Authenticator on your account for at least seven days and enable trade confirmations for escrow to not occur.

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