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Can i buy real estate with bitcoin

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On this page we will present the reasons why we will open our Real Estate services in Koh Chang area to Bitcoin, and we invite all owners interested in selling a property for Bitcoins to contact us. The number of Real Estate transactions in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency has been constantly increasing for several years. Although it was rare a few years back the first notable transactions happenned in : First Bitcoin-Only Real Estate Transaction Completed in Texastoday there is a new trend that the Real Estate professionals can not ignore anymore. In thailand in it is very easy and legal to own, buy and sell Bitcoins within a few clicks. And therefore it is also possible to buy and sell Real Estate directly in Bitcoin in the same way that it is possible to do it with traditional currencies :.

How Is It Taxed?

In April, Hongcai sold bitcoin in the U. His Rolls-Royce, also purchased with the fruits of bitcoin arbitrage, sits in the driveway close to a small chives garden. As Chinese regulators clamp down on industry business on the mainland, crypto millionaires are turning to foreign real estate markets to diversify their holdings. Some purchase property directly with crypto, others like Hongcai use bitcoin to gain foreign currencies without going through a bank. The founders of the U.

How Does It Work?

On wigh page we will present the reasons why we will open our Real Estate services in Koh Chang area to Bitcoin, and we invite all owners interested in selling a property for Bitcoins to contact us. The number of Real Estate transactions in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency eatate been constantly increasing for several years. Although it was rare a few years back the first notable transactions happenned in : First Bitcoin-Only Real Estate Transaction Completed in Texastoday there is a new trend that the Real Estate professionals can not ignore anymore.

In thailand in it is very easy and legal to own, buy and sell Bitcoins within a few clicks. And therefore it is also possible to buy and sell Real Estate directly in Bitcoin in the same way that it is possible to do estafe with traditional currencies :.

Bitcoin is emerging as an effective and secure way of transferring value around the world and more and more Real Estate transactions are made in Bitcoins. We offer now to owners of Real Estate in Koh Chang the possibility to advertise and sell their properties for Bitcoins, at no additional cost.

Through advertising in our agency, social medias and search engines, we will be able to target a growing new niche of potential buyers. Thus, as an owner, if you join this program you increase the visibility of your property on our website and maximize sales opportunities.

On our side, the interest is certainly commercial, since we also increase the visibility of our portfolio and reach new customers. But our choice is also bihcoin by passion, since we have been interested in the Blockchain revolution for several years now see Dee One Property accepts Digital Currencies in and we are pleased to share this interest with our customers.

We have already contacted some owners and some handpicked properties are already available in Bitcoin on this page :. If you have a property for sale in Koh Chang, and if you accept Bitcoin as a means of payment, then simply contact us and we will integrate your property into our new properties for Sale in Vuy catalog.

We will take care of the rest. You keep full control over your listing and its price fixed in Baht. To receive your payment in Bitcoin you must have a Bitcoin wallet, and keep a Bitcoin address ready to receive the funds. Several options are available wallet on an exchange, hard wallet, desktop wallet. As usual, we will be there to assist you throughout the process — from the initial contact to the final transfer.

Note that we can receive our commission directly in Bitcoin, with our usual rates. In order to overcome the volatility of the Bitcoin price, the final ammount of the Bitcoin transaction will be fixed on the day of the transaction — only after agreement of both parties, and under our control.

We will propose our Bitcoin wallet as a trusted escrow intermediary. Finally, after the transaction, you are free to use your Bitcoin many sellers and services accept cryptocurrencies as a means of paymentkeep them, or resl them for the currency of your choice THB, USD. We will be able to assist you in exchanging your Bitcoin against Thai Bahts on the same day of the transaction at current pricesvia one of the exchanges operating legally in Thailand.

We can i buy real estate with bitcoin the most novices to learn about blockchain in general and Bitcoin in particular.

My experience buying a house with Bitcoin

Enthusiasts are purchasing a wide variety of items with their bitcoins, from pizzas to real estate. The first real estate transaction was a single-family home in Austin, Texas. Read more about But what is bitcoin exactly? Taxes depends on the country. Door image via Shutterstock. How to Buy a House With Bitcoin. How to Buy in New Construction Five steps to owning a newly-built home. Bitcoin and Ethereum work the same way. Chinese investment in foreign real estateoften through Hong Kong brokers, has been rising for years.


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