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How to trade on metatrader 5 app

how to trade on metatrader 5 app

One of the main functions of the MetaTrader 5 mobile platform for iPhone is providing a user with wide opportunities to perform buy and sell operations. By default, only brief information about positions is shown here. This will open a menu of commands:.

MetaTrader 5 Help

This section contains basic information you need to know to get started with the platform. The trading platform provides a simple and user friendly interface. All commands can be accessed from the main menu, and the most frequently used ones are available on the toolbar. Quotes are displayed in Market Watch, while from the Navigator you can manage technical analysis and algorithmic trading tools. Mefatrader main menu contains almost all the commands and functions that can be executed in the trading platform. It provides access to operations with charts, analytical tools, platform settings and other features.

Free application for popular mobile devices powered by iOS

how to trade on metatrader 5 app
Do you like the article? Share it with others — post a link to it! Use new possibilities of MetaTrader 5. The MetaTrader Market features over 10, trading robots, indicators and other useful applications for the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms. We recommend that you watch a series of video tutorials on how to select, purchase and update Products from the Market:. Watch video: How to purchase a trading robot or an indicator from the Market? The Market features thousands of trading robots and indicators.

MetaTrader 5 on Mobile — How to Download and Setup MT5 on IOS

Account Options

To open the context menu, metatrsder on the trading operation line in the list. Download MetaTrader 5 for iOS and trade anywhere in the world. Straight from the application, you can access financial news for free, chat with other traders and receive push notifications from the desktop platform. The application supports trzde complete set of orders and trading functions. Existing pending orders are shown in this section. Indicators and objects are provided with customizable color schemes and can be applied on charts or added in other indicator windows. Account State The current state of a trade account is shown at the top of the tab: Profit, currency — the total result of the current trade positions and the account deposit currency. Symbol — trsde financial instrument of the open position. A positive result indicates the profit, a negative value means the loss.


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