Regarding the Android app, this will simply be a direct port of the latest iPhone app; however, Android apps must be capable of working on hundreds of different models, so it takes seemingly FOREVER to get these apps tested and working properly across the board. Read our Privacy Policy for more information. All proceeds from the sale of this app went directly towards funding some new features for the app. Collect and trade with UFC fans around the world and play your card collection in real-time Contests to win in-app prizes! Trade with any WWE fan in the world who is on the app with you so you can complete the superstar collection of your dreams. If you collect card or memorabilia this is for you. Collection thousands of officially-licensed cards featuring classic Topps card designs, original artwork, autograph cards, relics and more!
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Account Options Sign in. Top charts. New releases. Add to Wishlist. Add more fun to your team’s sports season. We packed everything we know about making great community sports trading cards into one neat little app called GameDay.
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If you would like to help us get the Android and iPad apps done sooner, you could donate any amount by clicking the button sports trading cards app. Featured Players Vladimir Guerrero Jr. This app is already in development but will take some time. Contact Us. We are working very hard to upgrade the Sports Card Album website, update the existing apps, and bootstrap the development of the iPad and Android apps. Although we’ve had a nice mobile site since we launched, we knew the only way to truly convey the Sports Card Album experience would be through legit «apps. Be wpp the first to receive exclusive updates and earn early access to product releases. Integration Add something on your mobile device and you’ll see it on your sports trading cards app instantly. Collect and trade with UFC fans around the world and play your card collection in real-time Contests to win in-app prizes! The Walking Dead: Card Trader Collect and trade your favorite characters including Daryl, Rick, Maggie, Carol, Negan, and many others as they continue to fight, and more importantly survive, in an ever-changing post-apocalyptic world! And the more time it takes, the more money it costs. Stay Connected Twitter Topps. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Welcome to Sports Card Album. This app and the associated website sporhs changed my collecting.
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